Did you know that kids could catch colds over eight times a year? Unluckily, the common cold is the main reason why kids miss their schools. At many times, parents feel helpless watching their children be discomforted. What can you do as a parent to make your child feel better?
A common cold typically develops in stages, with certain symptoms. It generally appears about one to three days after exposure to a cold-causing virus.
How to Make Your Child Feel Better During a Cold?
- Resting
Your child should get plenty of rest both during the day and night for faster recovery.
- Intake of Fluids
It is important to consume lots of liquids throughout the day, especially water, chicken soup, and orange juice.
- Use of a Humidifier
A humidifier or vaporizer will moisten the air to relieve the child of congestion.
- Warm Baths
A warm bath will aid in relaxation as well as in clearing the phlegm from the nasal passages; allowing the child to have a good night’s rest.
- Refer to a Doctor to Get the Proper Medication
Consult with a physician before giving your child any medication. Prospan® is available in different forms and helps relieve your child from the annoying chesty cough. Nisita® is also available in two forms, spray and ointment, to relieve your child from a dry and itchy nose.